Becoming Addicted - Why one semester is not enough

Emese from Hungary, Winter Semester 2010/2011
Before starting my semester abroad, I expected that 4 months would be enough being in a foreign country without my friends and family. I just realised how naive was I! So why do I want to extend my semester at RheinAhrCampus.
Studying and doing an internship at the same time was a completely new experience for me, and I must confess that the “learning by doing” system is really effective! I managed to take my theoretical knowledge into practice immediately! The courses were also useful, not only to take part in them as a student assistant, but the skills I improved and the knowledge I gained will support me in my future career - regardless of the profession.
The biggest stereotype is that the German people are cold and unfriendly! While integration didn’t go smooth at first, after taking the first step and “breaking the ice”, they prove their nice personality. I am also grateful for the great support provided by the team at Languages / International Affairs- I was never left alone with my problems.
Remagen may be small (especially when compared with Budapest), but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t have any fun during the semester. The travelling is not even an issue, because with your student card, you are allowed to catch the trains for free to the surrounding cities, such as Cologne and Koblenz, where it is easy to find the entertainment you like. The high number of the students guarantees lots of parties, excellent sport events and the unforgettable picnics on the bank of the river Rhein.
Working at Languages/International Affairs means that I managed to practice my English and German skills at the same time. I realised again that the only effective way of improvement is to be forced to use the foreign language day after day!
We were fortunate enough to participate in several excursions: Bonn, Cologne, Koblenz, Brussels, Düsseldorf, Hamburg...a few examples from our trips. The following semester is going to be full of travelling: Berlin, Lithuania and Ireland are on our agenda (we will keep looking for cheap flights and be spontaneous concerning the destinations..:))
Time flies when you are productive and enjoying yourself at the same time: this is what spending a semester abroad is all about. But be careful: you can easily get addicted!!