From Paris/France to Koblenz

A wonderful adventure
Chloé from France, Winter Semester 2023/2024

Hello everyone,

My name is Chloé and I am French. I had the opportunity to participate in an exchange program at Hochschule Koblenz as part of the Erasmus program. I would like to share my experience with you through these few lines.

Upon my arrival in Germany, I was captivated by the beauty of the city of Koblenz. Although it was initially a challenge to adapt to the language and culture, with time and experience, these obstacles quickly dissipated. I was warmly welcomed by the staff of the international department of the university, who made us feel at ease from the start and offered us an unforgettable semester. This approach contrasted with the more strict and formal French university system.

As for the courses, this semester allowed me to discover new teaching and working methods, enriching my approach to my studies, especially in marketing. I was able to successfully complete projects such as reports or analyses, which offered me a new and in-depth perspective in my field. The diversity among my classmates also expanded my horizons and enriched my skills.

Outside of classes, I had the opportunity to discover the magnificent landscapes of Rhineland-Palatinate, as well as emblematic cities such as Cologne and Frankfurt. Thanks to ESN Koblenz, I also had the opportunity to visit Berlin during a weekend rich in cultural and human discoveries.

This stay also allowed me to meet wonderful people and discover new cultures. Surrounded by other Erasmus students as well as my German classmates, I forged strong bonds and lived unique, enriching experiences both personally and professionally.

By stepping out of my comfort zone and immersing myself in a new environment, I was able to grow and mature. I am deeply grateful to all the people who contributed to making this experience memorable: my university for its trust and financial support, the Buddy program for its invaluable assistance and for giving me a friend who is very dear to me, and finally the warm welcome of the international department.

This semester at Hochschule Koblenz will remain engraved in my memory as a period of personal growth and enrichment, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to live such an experience. I hope that future Erasmus students will be as fortunate as I was for their exchange at this great university!