Frequently Asked Questions
1. Before Application
When is the applications start for the MLI program?
For the summer semester, which starts at the end of March/beginning of April, applicantions start from November 15 of the respective year. For the winter semester, which starts at the end of September/beginning of October, applications start from May 15 of the respective year.
DEADLINES: For the summer semester, applicants with a German university entrance qualification can apply until 31 March of the respective year. For the winter semester applicants can apply until 30 September of the respective year. However, if you have obtained your certificates (university entrance qualification) abroad, you must apply via uni-assist with the application deadlines for the summer semester at 31 January of the respective year and the winter semester at 31 July of the respective year.
What are the requirements for admission to the Master's program MLI?
- Completion of a professionally qualifying degree program with a minimum grade of 2.3 (within German grading system)
- Experience abroad, e.g. through study abroad, school or other international activities
- Submission of a research proposal ("one-pager") on an MLI-related topic
- Proof of English language skills at level B2 or higher. (German language skills are not required)
- Individual interviews
- In addition, you are kindly requested to fill in the checklist and to attach it to your application.
What does the Master's degree program at the RheinAhrCampus cost?
For the Master's degree program "Management, Leadership, Innovation" at the RheinAhrCampus, a social contribution is due each semester (the current amount can be enquired at Studierendenservice). This includes benefits such as a D-semester ticket. No tuition fees are charged.
I would like to study your Master's program, but I do not yet have my final grade and/or my certificate. Can I still apply successfully?
The admission to the Master's program at the RheinAhrCampus is also possible if a maximum of 15 ECTS credits are still missing from your previous degree. Proof of having passed the final examination (certified copy of the certificate and diploma, proof of performance with stamp and signature of the respective examination office) must be submitted to the student service (Studierendenservice) by the student by the end of the first semester at the latest. However, if it is then established that the admission requirements have not been met, admission to the Master's program will be declared invalid with retroactive effect. In general, you should bear in mind that - if possible - it is always advisable to apply with the complete application documents.
"And what are you going to do with it when you're done?"
Cross-divisional functions with a high requirement profile in future-oriented, internationally orientated companies, e.g. as Product Manager, Project Manager, Account Manager, Innovation Manager, Founder or first hour employee of a start-up, Science and research.
2. During Application
What are the checklist and the guidelines (qualification for scientific work)?
The checklist helps you and the examination board with the application process. Within the checklist, you note down the elements of your aptitude test in bullet points and receive an overview of the evidence to be provided. Please note that in addition to the checklist, the relevant supporting documents (certificate, proof of experience abroad, etc.) must be sent to the university with the application documents.
The guidelines for submitting a scientific essay (English) on an MLI-related topic will help you to write your project draft. It shows the elements of the project outline and helps you with your structure.
What is a clearance certificate and do I need it for my application?
A clearance certificate is a confirmation from your current university that you have not yet lost your right to take examinations. If you have just completed your studies and are not enrolled in any other programme, your Bachelor's certificate and your Bachelor's transcript will suffice as proof. In this case, however, a certificate of exmatriculation is required.
3. After Acceptance
Can I do the first and third semesters or the second and fourth semesters of the Master's degree program in parallel to graduate more quickly?
In general, you can organise your studies as you see fit. We recommend that you concentrate on the courses in the individual semesters so that this is reflected in your final grade. This grade may be more important for your future career than entering the labour market one or two semesters earlier. We would also like to point out that many of the courses run in parallel and it is therefore very difficult to combine courses from different semesters.
Why do I start in the summer semester in the second semester and not in the first semester?
The Master's degree program can be started in the summer or winter semester. The lecture plans assume that you start in the winter semester, so the winter semester is referred to as the first semester for administrative purposes. There are no disadvantages for the student in terms of content, as the courses in the second semester are not based on those in the first semester.
The Master's degree program includes a 26-week practical period. When does this take place and can I extend it?
In the 3rd semester (if you start in the winter semester, otherwise in the 4th semester) there is a compulsory practical period of at least 26 weeks, which you must complete with a founding semester, an internship in Germany or abroad or by studying at a foreign university. Of course, you can extend the period and also use your semester break for this. It is up to you to manage how you get the most out of your studies and how you make the most of our infrastructure and networks.
I have been accepted as an international student. What do I need to know about planning, arriving and staying in Remagen?
First of all, congratulations and welcome to the Campus in Remagen! We have many international students on campus and therefore have some experience with possible questions. For this reason, we have put together an overview of the most important tips. You can find all our tips here.
Your question is not covered here?
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*MLI info sessions are held in English.

Do you have a question that isn't covered on our MLI page? Then please contact us via the form or join our next monthly virtual info session.
Feel free to also check our FAQ.