From Taipeh/Taiwan to Koblenz

I am Yunchi comes from Soochow University in Taiwan. In my last semester in collage, I decided to complete one goal of my bucket list, being exchange student abroad!

Since I want to practice my German, university in Germany became to my first choice. I would like to say choosing Koblenz is way better than what I imaged. 

It’s a city which is not that bustling, but still convenient. Exhibitors here I have met were nice and passion. Also, Koblenz has wonderful location in Germany, people can plan a one-day trip to Köln, Düsseldorf, even Luxemburg. 


Life in Hochschule Koblenz

The International Office and Faculty of Business and Management are always helpful. 

Each time I had any kind of problem (e.g. registration, bank account opening or even, the licence Fee in Germany) there are always people glad to help. Based on other students who also exchange in other university in Germany have told us, HS Koblenz really gives international students huge support. Furthermore, ESN group here also managed many activities let international participate in. This helps students getting chance to get closer to each other.


Study in Hochschule Koblenz

There are total three classes I took: Finance & Investment, Business English, and German language course. I am actually not business student back in Taiwan, but the teachers here in HS Koblenz was patient and would try their best to help me to catch on the class. The classmates I met were also very friendly, with them I really had wonderful school time here!


I would definitely not gonna forget everyone and every little thing I met and have experienced here.