
10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr


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Communication Skills for International Experience | kompetentdurchsstudium in Kooperation mit dem IO am Campus Koblenz

Der semesterFIT-Kurs „Communication Skills for International Experience“ bietet wertvolle Informationen zu ‘How to Adjust to Studying Abroad’.


We are excited to be able to offer you an 8-hours Zoom seminar on ‘How to Adjust to Studying Abroad.’ This course will focus on all the essentials you will need to prepare yourself while abroad and to make sure your experience is a successful and enjoyable one.

The course will cover such topics as how to improve small talk and meet new people, finding your way around, how to deal with fears and what you might experience, the importance of homework and attending lectures, how to connect with your professors and much more.

So, come join us and learn something new!


Brandon Davenport

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