Blended Intensive Programs


Since the beginning of 2021 the Erasmus program offers new short-term mobility options by introducing blended intensive programs (BIP). 


  • Short, intensive and joint mobility curricula and activities
  • Members of a group will have a short physical mobility period (5 to 30 days) and also take online courses
  • Both students and University staff can participate and improve their skills by taking part in in the period of study abroad
  • A minimum of 3 universities from 3 different Program Countries.
  • Financial support: Either support for the mobile participants during the stay abroad (where Hochschule Koblenz is the sending university, see below) or Erasmus+ organizational funds for the coordinating and hosting department (where Hochschule Koblenz is the coordinating and hosting university, see below).
  • Students are awarded a minimum of 3 ECTS credits

- Funding can be combined with special funding for participants with fewer opportunities and green Erasmus.


Hochschule Koblenz as sending Institution:

Students and staff can only participate and receive funding for their stay abroad through a BIP if their respective department jointly coordinates the BIP with the foreign partners and the physical phase of the program takes place abroad. The co-organizing department must apply for participation in the BIP erasmus(at) as well as financial support for the students and university staff to be sent. This should be done as early as possible and at the very latest two months before the start of the BIP, so that participation and the potential for funding can be checked.

The International Office sponsors a group of up to 10 mobile students per BIP for a maximum of 10 days each. The amount of funding per day is currently 70 euros.

Staff members can be funded through the Staff mobility options for training. More Information can be found here


Hochschule Koblenz as coordinating Institution:

In this case Hochschule Koblenz organises the BIP in cooperation with two other european partners. The physical mobility will be held at Hochschule Koblenz or a venue determined by the organising department. Travel costs of student participants from Hochschule Koblenz must be funded through the organisational support grant.

If the BIP is held at Hochschule Koblenz, the full amount of granted OS funds can be used for financing the program at the organising department. Please not, that in case particpants from other partners fall under the care of the international Office during the physical period, funding needs to be transferred to the International Office.

Available only in german: BIP als veranstaltende Hochschule müssen dem International Office unter erasmus(at) bis spätestens 31.01. eines jeden Jahres gemeldet werden, da die Mittel individuell beantragt werden müssen. Die Antragsfrist für Erasmus KA131 endet für gewöhnlich im Februar eines jeden Jahres. Die dann beantragten Projekte beginnen in der Regel im Juni desselben Jahres. Wenn Sie also beispielsweise ein BIP im März 2024 veranstalten wollen, müssten die Mittel im Februar 2023 beantragt, also bis spätestens 31.01.23 an das IO gemeldet werden. Soll das BIP jedoch im Juli 2024 stattfinden, genügt eine Beantragung und Meldung Anfang 2023.

General Conditions BIP.

  • At least 3 universities from 3 different Erasmus+ program countries must collaborate.
  • All universities must be recognized Erasmus HEIs (certified by the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education).
  • The organizing HEI and the participating institutions must have bilateral inter-institutional partnership agreements
  • At least 20 students must participate (over all partners)
  • The physical group mobility duration (5-30 days) will be combined with a virtual phase of undefined duration. Physical mobility can be carried out at the hosting institution or another location in the host country.
  • Students receive a minimum of 3 ECTS CP (combined total of virtual and physical parts).

Funding for BIP:

The coordinating university receives organizational support funds for a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 mobility participants. Additional participants can also join the BIP. The organizational funds amount to 400 euros per participant, i.e. a total of 6,000 to 8,000 euros. If participants will be cared for by the international office, funding has to be transferred also from the department to the International Office.

The OS or organizational support funds are intended to cover the costs for initiating, developing, implementing, and monitoring the BIP. Furthermore, the funds support the implementation of virtual components and managing the program. Funding is also available to prepare documents and teaching materials, book rooms, procure materials and conduct field trips (travel costs or tickets). Communication activities, catering, translation and interpretation services, preparatory visits, and administrative activities are also covered.


All forms for staff members can be found here: Download STT. Student participants can find all forms in the download section to the right.

Further information can be found here