Digital Accessibility in Teaching

Digital accessibility is central to equity in studies – and not only in purely online teaching. Whenever an OLAT course is used or digital documents, links, audios, as well as videos are shared with students, barriers can arise that make participation difficult or even impossible.
The department Quality in Teaching will be happy to advise you on how to make your teaching accessible.

Equal Participation through Accessibility

Enabling students with disabilities to participate on an equal footing – this is not only a democratic self-image, but also a legal requirement for state universities (e. g. nationales Hochschulrahmengesetz [German Framework Act for Higher Education] §2 para. 4 and rheinlandpfälzisches Hochschulgesetz [Rhineland-Palatinate Higher Education Act] §2 para. 4).

Approximately eleven percent of students at German universities have difficulties in their studies due to a physical, mental and/or sensory impairment (21. Sozialerhebung des Deutschen Studierendenwerks, 2017). Not all impairments are immediately apparent to outsiders – for example, dyslexia or sensory impairments such as hearing or visual impairments are often not immediately obvious. Accessibility should therefore always be considered in teaching.

Tips & Guides

On the 'E-Learning-Portal' of the Subdivision Quality in Teaching you will find handouts on digital accessibility, including:

  • a Guide to accessibility in e-learning with legal, didactic, linguistic and design information and recommendations for accessible e-learning,
  • a guideline for video subtitling
  • the Computing Centre's guide to accessible website design with Typo3 (also relevant to e-learning design)
  • further materials and links

Current Training & Exchange Offer

Please take a look at our training and exchange program. Are you missing an offer on a specific topic? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Advice & Training

Whether you have a general need for exchange on accessibility in teaching or a specific implementation question (e.g. how to create of accessible Word and PDF documents), we offer personalised advice.

We can also provide training on request.

Advice – Digital Accessibility in Teaching

Representative for Students with Disabilities

Representative for Students with Disabilities