Preparation for your studies

After being accepted by the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, you can begin preparing for your time abroad. Please be sure to complete the following before your departure for Germany:


The following student dormitories are located near the university, allowing you to reach the university on foot or by bus in little time.

If you are interested in receiving a dorm in a dormitory, it is best to fill out the application for residency as soon as possible. With demand being higher than rooms available, please inform us in advance if you are applying so we can contact the dormitory and let you know if there are any dorms available!

Apartments and shared apartments

If you are looking for a residency outside of the student dormitories, the following internet sites can assist you in finding apartments and shared apartments.

Living in a student apartment is also possible in the surroundings of Koblenz. With your semesterticket you can use the buses of the VRM for free.

If you are interested in  German courses, the following language schools are currently offering courses in Koblenz (websites in German only):

Visa restrictions for international students in Germany

International students looking to study in Germany will generally need a visa.

Students coming from:

·         the European Union (EU)

·         the European Economic Area (EEA)

·         Switzerland

Are excluded from this.

These students only require a valid ID card or comparable identification to travel to Germany. Students from these countries can register at the city's registry office as soon as they have found an apartment. This is where they will receive a residence permit for study purposes.

There are also a number of countries for which students can obtain their necessary residence permit for study purposes after their arrival.

·         Australia

·         Israel

·         Japan

·         Canada

·         New Zealand

·         South Korea

·         the United States of America.

It also includes the following countries, provided that the student does not intend to work in Germany before or after completing their studies:

·         Andorra

·         Brazil

·         El Salvador

·         Honduras

·         Monaco

·         San Marino

Visa process for international students

International students from other countries generally need to apply for a visa before arrival. Please contact the German embassy in your home country and apply for a student visa or an applicant visa. Anyone with written approval for preparatory study measures or a university place from a university can apply for a student visa. Anyone who is still waiting on the notice of admission or who has to sit an entrance examination will need to apply for an applicant visa. Once you arrive in Germany, you will need to submit your visa to the foreigners' authority at the study location in order to convert this to a residence permit for study purposes.

It often takes several months for a visa to be issued. It is therefore important to apply for an applicant visa as soon as possible so that you can arrive before your course commences.. It is preferable to apply for an applicant visa with the university's confirmation of application and then convert it to a residence permit for study purposes in Germany.

Documents required for a visa application

The best course of action is to find information on the Federal Foreign Office's website or directly from the German embassy in your home country; but, in general, you will need the following documents:

  • a valid passport
  • the confirmation of application from the university (applicant visa) or the notice of admission from the university (student visa)
  • proof of adequate funds for living expenses (proof of financial resources)
  • health insurance coverage

Proof of financial resources

Your proof of financial resources verifies that you can pay for your period of study. At least the living expenses for your first year in Germany must be fully financed. In general, about 8,640 euros of income or assets are required for the first year, or 720 euros per month. But evidence of higher amounts may also be requested. The German embassy in your home country will provide more information on the proof that needs to be provided. In principle, the following types of proof are possible:

  • proof of parents' income and assets
  • the Foreigners' Registration Offices receives confirmation that someone whose place of residence is in Germany commits to assume the costs for you
  • a security sum on a blocked account (e.g. at Deutsche Bank)
  • scholarship from a recognized scholarship foundation
  • funding in accordance with the German Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG - Federal Education and Training Assistance Act).

The nearest foreigners' authority is:

Stadtverwaltung Koblenz
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 2
56073 Koblenz
Office hours: 
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 08.00am –12.00 pm
Wednesday: 08.00am –12.30 pm and 1.30 pm– 4pm

You cannot register at a German university with a tourist visa!

The entry requirements can be found in detail at the DAAD.